Expands on FireFlex-COVIDTM to incorporate evolving coronaviruses


  • Exploits robust SAMRS and AEGIS technologies
  • Detects all key variants, including those that may evade vaccines (South Africa, UK, Brazil, others)
  • Firebird’s technology allows kit to be expanded as new mutants emerge



  • Samples: nasal and nasopharyngeal swabs, saliva
  • Sensitivity: < 200 copies of virus per mL
  • Equipment: most 4-channel PCR instruments
  • Sample preparation: From saliva, none
  • Targets- COVID-19 variants, including UK, South Africa, Brazil
  • Flexibly expandable to include new variants as the emerge
  • Signal generation: < 90 minutes


  • Firebird makes primers/probes
  • Firebird ships these worldwide for local assembly
  • Enzymes can be sourced locally or from Firebird
  • Partnerships sought worldwide

Technology & Publications

  • Powered by SAMRSTM chemistry
  • Powered by AEGISTM chemistry

Yang & Benner (2020) Compositions for the Multiplexed Detection of Viruses. US Patent Appl. No. 17101467

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